The New Year often brings new goals, desires and hopes, as we perceive it as a fresh start. Maybe this is the year that you have decided to roll out your yoga mat that has been stored in your closet or you have purchased a new shiny one in hopes that it motivates you to get out the door in this frigid weather.

Practicing Yoga in the New Year! – © Little Lotus Yoga™
- You don’t have to look the part!
We’ve all heard the hype around the latest Lululemon fads; we’ve all seen the magazine covers featuring models with tight bodies, fresh faces of make up, and salon style hair. This can create pressure, and you might be worrying about what you should wear, what you should look like and what you need to participate in a yoga class. Here’s my advice for anyone who is feeling more than a little anxious about the thought of entering a yoga room without any previous experience or knowledge of what to expect: wear comfortable clothes, bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water, and just show up. Yoga will meet YOU wherever you are. You don’t need to meet a certain yoga standard.
- Find the right environment.
There are many different environments for practicing yoga. Find the one that you are most comfortable with and start there. When you are comfortable, you are more apt to continue with your yoga practice. Even the most reticent among us can find a space where they are comfortable, if your home environment is all you feel up to at the start of your yoga journey, why not give online classes a try? Once you are ready to venture out and practice yoga in a group there are a multitude of venues to explore, including local community centres, yoga studios, private rental spaces and many more.
- Don’t become overwhelmed with the Style of Yoga.
I always suggest that you start with a Hatha class if you are new to yoga. Most Hatha classes are suitable for all levels and will offer options throughout allowing you in increase or decrease the difficulty depending on your fitness level and comfort. You may also find a “gentle” or “beginner” Hatha class is a good starting point. For individuals who lead a more active lifestyle and would like a class that offers a bit of a physical challenge, I would suggest a power or a flow style class. Whatever you start with know that you are encouraged to explore as you and your yoga practice evolve. You may be surprised by what you enjoy!
- Find the right Teacher for YOU!
With yoga becoming more mainstream and there being more places to practice yoga then ever before it is important that you find out a bit of information about your yoga teacher before you commit to practice with them. Ensure your yoga teacher has completed a full yoga training with a recognized organization.
- Try Again, Try Again, Try Again!
If you take a class and don’t enjoy it, TRY AGAIN! Try a different teacher or a different style. It may be that that specific style of yoga is not for you. There are several different kinds (hatha, yin, power, hot, core, etc.) of classes and you may need to try a few to find the one that ignites your passion. Or you may need to try a different teacher. You might enjoy a different teacher’s approach to yoga or prefer a different personality. Sometimes it can take a few different styles and teachers to find what best works for you. Don’t give up!
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