You might be surprised that these things can actually be quite common during pregnancy. They may not have been points to ponder in the pregnancy books you have read or things that your girlfriends spilled to you over a night out of fun and chatting!
We’ve got you mama!
Here are FIVE things that you may have never heard about before but can actually be quite common during pregnancy!
- Nosebleeds! Yep, it may not just be the dry air. Your blood volume increases approximately 50% during pregnancy which can sometimes lead to blood vessels rupturing, hence the nosebleed. Of course connect with your healthcare provider if this is happening often or you are losing a lot of blood.
- Morning sickness can actually be evening sickness. Or all day sickness! Yes, feeling nauseous is common and often pregnant people share that they feel most nauseous in the mornings due to an empty stomach. However, you can experience more nausea in the evenings compared to morning or maybe even feeling nauseous all day (of course we hope you don’t!)
- Vaginal ultrasounds. Yep….they are at thing! Don’t worry….they are gentle! Vaginal ultrasounds are often helpful early on in pregnancies but they are also helpful for measuring the cervix throughout pregnancy should that be required as well.
- Oh the opinions strangers might give! While they might be well meaning having a quick and easy response to stop the unsolicited advice may be your new best friend! People will often ask a pregnant person something that they would never ask anybody else…you might even find yourself shocked!
- Vaginal discharge……there might be a lot! This is often surprising for many as we wonder, “Is there something wrong?” but most likely it’s just a regular fun thing that comes along with pregnancy 😉 If you are noticing a change in colour or smell then connect with your Health Care Provider.
Our Prenatal Yoga classes are a great place to get your questions answered, connect in with a community and feel supported on your pregnancy journey.
You can check out our class schedule HERE.
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