Put away your credit card and stop shopping and buying the latest gadgets for your baby. Learn what REALLY to expect during the postpartum period.
Termed “The Fourth Trimester,” there are often a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about this time that leaves parents confused and with unanswered questions.
We have your back!
This 3 hour workshop covers:
- postpartum care (yes! we cover care tips for perineum care, stitches, tears, engorgement and bleeding!)
- newborn care (bathing, feeding, swaddling, diapering and more!)
- what you really need for those first few months with babies (and it doesn’t break the bank!)
- infant feeding, learn the tips and tricks you need in your toolbox!
- Sex! What?! Yep, we go there! What IT can really be like after baby.
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