Kapalabhati Breathing is also known as “skull shining”. It clears the respiratory tract and sinuses. Kapalabhati breathing is done with a normal inhalation followed by a rapid exhalation.
**Kapalabhati is sometimes better known as a purification over a pranayama technique.
Kapalabhati tones the abdomen and can improve digestion. Please note that this breath should not be practiced while pregnant.
Try this with your Little Yogi:
Have your child place their hands over their belly. Have them focus on their breath. Breathing in and out of their nose. Now on each exhale try to exhale with a bit of force, similar to blowing your nose. Inhale lightly. Exhale with force.
Now with each exhale feel your belly draw in sharply towards your spine. Breath in lightly and exhale again sharply. Try to take 15 breaths in 15 seconds. Then relax. Take a few deep breaths and do another cycle.