You may have heard of Mother Blessings before, maybe you have even had one or attended one for a friend. As Mother Blessings begin to make their way into Western Society you may also have some questions with what is one and why should I have one. We asked Nicolle Cardiff from Awakened Angels to share her experience with Mother Blessings.

Here is what Nicolle shared with us-
The magic of conception, pregnancy and birth is a rite of passage. An incredible miracle! It deserves to be celebrated. More importantly, the mother deserves to be celebrated. An expectant mother’s whole world is shifting in magical ways to make space for this little angel– physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Her body is adapting and making space for the growth of her baby. A spectrum of emotions surface ranging from excitement and gratitude to fear and anxiety. Doubt can creep its dirty little head in. As the mother anticipates the unknown outcome of birth, she tries to surrender, having faith of a safe and successful birth.
As the mother is approaching birth, she is standing at a threshold! Behind her lies life as she once knew it to be, the comfortability of life. In front of her lies the unknown of birth and motherhood. And in between, lies fear.
We tend to remain comfortable in our self-constricted box, and anything outside those limits is unknown to us. We live most of our lives anchored in our need for control and certainty. These fear based patterns actually hold us back from truly experiencing birth and motherhood to its fullest potential. The reality is that birth is beyond our control.
Birth is a powerful force. When the mother resists the unpredictable nature of birth, she may struggle with her experience. She must ride the waves, flow with each surge, and become one with this primal force while honouring the way her baby decides she/he wishes to come into this world. Embracing birth can be an empowering experience. It is possible to brave the threshold, to sacredly pass through the doorway into motherhood (for the first-time or again) with a balanced perspective, into a way of being that is beyond fear, into a new life of the most unbelievable abundance, joy and strength.
A Master Mother Blessing celebrates this monumental shift from maidenhood into motherhood or into motherhood again. It marks the before and after. This is a ceremony that honours and celebrates the mother. It acknowledges how far she has come and how much she has and will continue to sacrifice along her journey. She can bravely cross this threshold by releasing conscious and unconscious fears that are standing in between who she is now and the mother she is becoming. As she transcends fear, resentment, shame and doubt, she can approach birth and motherhood from a place of power. The expectant mother is energetically showered with Divine love and light, the sweetest of abundance and the most incredible joy.
What to expect during a Master Mother Blessing?
- The mother prepares herself for this magical experience by grounding herself in the position most comfortable for her at this time.
- Inspired by the healing sound of the singing bowl, she is encouraged to surrender to the experience.
- The Celebrant holds space as she calls on the Divine Mother.
- The mother is encouraged to allow the Divine Mother to clear and transmute all that is no longer serving the mother she is becoming. As humans, we tend to hold onto fear based patterns, belief systems and attachments. Observing from a place of sacred witness, with each drum beat, she lets go but remains present.
- She will feel relaxed and ‘lighter’ as attachments, doubt and fear shed from her being. This is freedom. She is healing and making space for the new to enter.
- The Celebrant will call on the Universe to shower the expectant mother with love, light and abundance. The mother is encouraged to openly receive this love. She may feel energy rushing through her body, tingles and/or soothing sensations.
- The mother powerfully repeats the mantra ‘I am a Master Mother. I will birth my baby with ease and with grace!’
- The ceremony ends by the Celebrant laying her hands on the mother’s shoulders. This will remove any lingering stagnate energy and leave the mother feeling lighter, balanced, grounded, relaxed, appreciated and so very loved.
- Crystals, Oracle cards and sound healing amplify the experience.
A Master Mother Blessing can be done privately with the mother or can add a magical twist to a ‘typical’ baby shower. There are benefits to both options. If the ceremony is done privately with the mother, she may feel more comfortable to go deeper within herself to examine and transcend deeply rooted fear, she may not be aware she carries. If the ceremony is performed at a baby shower, the mother will have the extra encouragement and energy from her surrounding loved ones as they hold space for this profound healing. ‘Typical’ baby showers mainly focus on the baby and emphasize the materialistic aspect of motherhood. This may still be necessary for some because babies do require a lot of stuff. But, adding A Master Mother Blessing to a baby shower is an extra shower of love for the mother who desperately deserves it at this time. It provides the mother with the opportunity to birth her baby from a place of power, to birth her baby with ease and with grace. That is the best gift an expectant mother can ever receive.
Want to learn more or have your own Mother Blessing? Connect with Nicolle and she can help you create something special for you and your baby. You can connect with her on facebook and instagram. You can also visit her website or send her an email at
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