We decided we would like you to get to know our instructors a little better, so we came up with a quick Q&A. We would like to introduce you to our instructor Edith, here is her Q&A…
Tell us how you fell in love with yoga?
This is such an awesome question because I keep falling in love with yoga over and over again. My first love with yoga landed when I had a big cry during camel pose. The instructor held such a supportive space for me to be vulnerable. I left that class feeling a million times lighter and with more clarity.
What can clients expect from your classes?
When you come to a yoga class, you will move through a fun, and challenging practice while building a space of ease and relaxation. The emphasis in my teaching is to develop an inner awareness, learn about body alignment and strength making a wide range of poses accessible.
What sort of things do you love to do outside of the yoga studio?
I love being a new mom! With my bundle of joy has come a fascination of learning about birth. I am currently studying to be a Registered Doula. I also love dancing, singing, sewing and crocheting.
Did you find your yoga practice changed at all after having a child?
Getting back on the mat was very challenging. I experienced postpartum preeclampsia and the lingering effects for 6 months after I gave birth. Prior and during my pregnancy, I was very active and had a vigorous practice. I’ve been challenged to slow down a lot. This is the beauty of yoga, intuitively you can create an inner awareness of what your body, spirit and mind need.
What is 1 thing that people may not know about you?
I have a pretty badass moonwalk! Haha!
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