In order for you to get to know our instructors a bit better, we thought we would let them tell you a little about themselves.
Today get to know Andria.
Tell us how you fell in love with yoga?
I enjoyed yoga in my early twenties, at the time it was a social thing more than anything. I fell in love with yoga again during my third pregnancy as a way to calm anxiety and keep my body feeling good!
What can clients expect from your classes?
As some previous students have told me, my Prenatal, and Mom and Baby classes are more than just Yoga, I try to help parents find the support and confidence they need going forward as parents. My classes for kids are fun, full of songs and games.
What sort of things do you love to do outside of the yoga studio?
Love painting and drawing. Art is my third passion, helping new parents being my second, and spending time with my 4 kids is my love, playing, singing and enjoying my family.
Did you find your yoga practice changed at all after having a child?
I didn’t teach before I had kids, but my energy changed for sure. Yoga used to be about being social and connecting with other people. Now it’s about me and connecting with my body and energy.
What is one thing that people may not know about you?
I used to work in Animal Behavior, kind of still do, but with families and babies.
Check out our schedule to learn when you can take one of Andria’s classes!
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