We are so lucky to have Megan O’Neill as one of our speakers at our upcoming Girls’ Night Out on December 5th .
Megan O’Neill is a Certified Core Belief Engineering (CBE) Practitioner. For over 14 years she has worked with clients in person and worldwide via Skype, helping them to step out of their comfort zone and understand why they’re operating the way they are, then getting them down to a bare bones level so they can transform into their true selves.
She discovered her skills after realizing that she was stuck and needed a change. Even though she knew what her insecurities were, logically, cognitively, and intellectually she was still stuck and couldn’t get the change that she really needed, to transform into her true self. Thankfully, the universe has a funny way of knowing what you need and sending it to you at just the right time. Megan received a pamphlet in the mail about a workshop on Core Belief Engineering (CBE). Core Belief Engineering is a method of psychotherapy that helps a person to make life changes. It is a fresh and exclusive process of boosting an individual’s wellbeing, self-love and self-trust, to improve self-awareness and mindfulness. Megan received amazing results using CBE and discovered that this was her calling. She set out on her true path to become a Certified Core Belief Engineering Practitioner.
The majority of Megan’s time spent at her successful CBE practice is divided between helping clients to rebuild relationships or, in the case of her entrepreneurial clients, more easily align their mindset with the visions they have for their businesses.
“During my first CBE counselling session, I was surprised to discover how my behaviour was fueled by outdated beliefs that were instilled in me as a result of my upbringing.
These revelations were incredibly empowering and led me to work even deeper on myself.
I realized the power of CBE
The grief and anger that I was carrying around was completely resolved.
I discovered that CBE could bring permanent change
Due to the success I had with CBE, I wanted to share this incredible technique with others. I then began my journey to become trained and certified as a CBE counselor. I am thrilled to say that I have never looked back.” – Megan O’Neill
Come to Girls’ Night Out at Biagio’s Monday, December 5th to be inspired by Megan O’Neill and meet her in person.
You can purchase tickets here.
You can learn more about Megan O’Neill by visiting the following links:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube |
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