By: Liane Mamo, Certified Child Sleep Consultant (Good Night Sleep Site Ottawa)
A common thread with baby sleep is navigating your way through sleep regressions. Many things can contribute to regressions like illness, teething, travel, but overall the biggest contributor is developmental strides such as physical and mental milestones. These bumps along the sleep road can be tiresome, they can be frustrating and if you haven’t had to work through any sleep struggles can leave you asking a lot of questions. Here’s your sleep regression 101 with the most common asked questions I get asked from parents and some tips to help you through it.
When do they typically happen?
The most common regressions (which correspond with developmental milestones) tend to happen at 4 months, between 8-10 months and between 18 months -2 years old.
Is there anything I can do to avoid them?
The common regression timeframes don’t necessarily mean your child will 100% go through one at this age. Many babies will skip one or not even deal with any. Can you plan for them? No, but you can establish healthy sleep habits from the start to help with any sleep bumps along the way. The more rested your child is, the easier they can get through regressions.
How long do they last?
On average they can last a week or two, sometimes more.
What Should I do?
We’ve all heard the phrase “this too shall pass” and it couldn’t be more true for sleep regressions. Here are my top tips to help get you through them:
TIP #1:
Don’t panic and try to avoid creating any new habits. Try not make any drastic changes from their normal sleep routines and ride it out the best you can.
TIP #2: Stay on your normal schedule. Often naps can be shorter (or non-existent!), early mornings and night wakings tend to happen during this time and can throw off your normal day-to-day routine. Do your best to stay on track and offer regular nap times and protect sleep as much as you can.
Tip #3: Early to bed. The magical early bedtime can be a lifesaver during this time and will help make up for any lost sleep and manage any sleep debt they may be collecting. Sleep equals sleep!
Liane Mamo is certified infant and toddler sleep consultant with Good Night Sleep Site Ottawa and mom to a superhero-obsessed 4-year-old. Liane is committed to providing families with emotional and educational support to help their baby or child with their sleep needs. Find Liane at her website or on Facebook and Twitter for sleep tips, free sleep Q & A’s, articles and more.
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