We often receive questions from clients on when they should start participating in Prenatal Yoga classes. Some expectant mothers possibly have a current yoga practice and favourite style they enjoy (ie: hatha, asthanga, bikram, etc.), some are active runners and triathletes and others are newly pregnant and not sure if they should join right away upon finding out they are expecting or if they should wait a little longer.
Keep reading to see some of our most common questions and answers regarding when to start a prenatal yoga program:
Q- I just found out I am pregnant, only 7 weeks along, is it too early for me to start a prenatal yoga class?
A- Congratulations! We have many clients who start participating in our classes from the moment they find out they are pregnant. We recommend you start participating in a class when you feel most comfortable to do so. We also recommend that you keep in mind that we may have some other clients in the class who you may already know so we want to ensure you are comfortable if others know you are newly pregnant as well. Prenatal yoga can be a great way to relax and relieve some of common first trimester discomforts. Clients report that our classes have helped them sleep better, calm unwanted nausea, and have energized the body when they are looking to get through their workdays.
Q- I currently practice yoga and am wondering if I can continue with my current class or when I should start a prenatal specific class.
A- That is great that you already have a yoga practice! As long as you, your baby, and your primary care provider are comfortable with your current yoga practice then you may want to continue with it as long as it is the right choice for you. You will want to make sure that your yoga teacher is comfortable modifying yoga postures for you where needed to ensure you and your baby get the most out of the practice. Always remember that if something doesn’t feel right in your body then it is not the best thing for you to be doing at that time. Some of our clients continue their regular yoga practice, making modifications where needed, throughout their entire pregnancy. We have other clients who start a prenatal specific yoga practice once they begin to notice they need to make a lot of modifications to their current practice (usually around 20+weeks) and we have some clients who prefer the prenatal yoga so they can be surrounded with other women experiencing similar life experiences as them. Follow your heart and listen to your body. Put trust in yourself, your baby and your care provider and know that you will make the best decision for you.
Q- I am almost at my due date. Can I still continue my practice?
A- Yes!! We highly recommend that as long as your care provider approves that you continue moving your body in preparation for labour and delivery. We know that those last few days and weeks of pregnancy can be uncomfortable. You may be getting up to to go the bathroom more. You possibly are sleeping less and doing tasks such as getting down and up off the floor seems to take a little extra time. Prenatal yoga allows you to be in a space where we can work specifically on your needs. Relieve any aches and pains, open up your hips and free your pelvis and get ready to welcome that sweet little baby into the world.
Have a question about our Prenatal Yoga program? I would LOVE to hear from you! Please leave a comment or send me an email at info@littlelotusyoga.ca
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